how to make an origami | funny origami

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how to make an origami

If you are a beginner at paper folding and would like to learn to make origami, then this site is for you! There are some great simple models for you to try, and some harder ones for when you get more confident, as well as all of the favourites: the crane, pelican, lily, butterfly…
But let's not get ahead of ourselves. If you're looking for a place to start, then start here:
Get some paper! Very simple!
Any paper will do, you can use special origami paper if you like, or ordinary printer paper. Some models work better with origami paper, but most will look just as good with plain paper. And here's a tip: If you have some, use gift wrapping paper.
Gift wrap comes in many thicknesses; so some might not be practical, but if you have some spare gift wrap, give it a try: you can get some beautiful effects from patterned paper, and most is a little thinner than printer paper, which is a plus when you are learning origami. It makes the folds easier, and the model stays intact better.

So let's get started! First choose a model that you think you would like to make.

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Hi! this is "Funny-Origami", a website about the Origami art and others cool stuffs, the videos in this website are from the director "Jipafi", the diagrams are from other websites, So we want to say "Have fun"

Pulpit rock
